Friday, February 29, 2008

Time 4 Reflection 3

I've learned a lot through this technology course. Now my challenge is to integrate what I have learned with my teaching. I want to include technology in my lessons. With each group of students that I am working with I want technology to be part of their learning or activity. With technology assistance from our wonderful instructor Lori, I started my sixth grade L2 students on their very own wiki page. They will be collecting information on Ancient Greece and posting it on their wiki page. They have to include a video, slide show, links, and pictures that provide information on Greece's geography, government, economy, natural resource, religion, architecture, arts, etc. My third graders started blogging about Polar Region. One problem I have so far with blogging is the inability for my students to make corrections after they have posted their comments. Rereading their comments the next day, they saw the need for revision. But, I couldn't find a way for them to edit unless if I deleted it and then they would have to rewrite their comment. I'm hoping to start the second graders on blogging as well. My fourth grader will be doing a Movie Maker on "How To" make a colonial receipt. We'll be doing the recipe first followed my the movie maker to share during Colonial Day. I haven't decided what technology tool I should use with my first graders. I wanted to do something different with each of my groups. I'm still nervous about it. Not sure why. I'm just going to take it slow and see how it all unfolds.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think you are very brave with your plan to use a different tool with each grade level that you work with. What a great idea for you to apply what you've learned.

Unfortunately there isn't any way to edit a comment at this time. That is one disadvantage to this blogging tool.