Friday, May 30, 2008

Online Course Final Feedback

Taking the Fall Issues, Trends, Tools in Education and Technology was very beneficial. It provided me with a variety of technology tools and ideas that I could integrate into my lessons immediately. This was my first online course. I was a bit hesitant about taking an online course, but I'm glad that I did. It was really convenient. It provided me with the opportunity to take a course without having to leave my classroom during the day. I could Login, complete a lesson and do my assignment from a computer at home, work, etc. Attending class was not limited to a specific day of the week nor a specific time. Having resources that could be printed out, videos that could be watched several times, opportunities to visit and explore sites pertaining to the technology concept we were learning about were all helpful. Being required to use each technology tool with our students was vital. It was an encouraging way for us to be risk takers with our students. Then we had to blog our experience which was a means for us to reflect. Sometimes we had the normal computer issue where things would freeze. Despite that we were still able to view the lessons and explore sites at another time. Lori, our awesome technology instructor, was exceptionally accessible. We could contact her during her online hours, by regular email, by phone, and in person when she was at our building. She provided my students and I with a lot of support for our technology projects. I would definitely reccommend this course to my colleagues for all the reasons I mentioned above. If there is another online course available to me, that was a topic of interest to me, I will sign-up for it. My students enjoyed working with these tools. They were self motivated to work on their assignments from home, those who had access to a computer and Internet.

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