Tuesday, February 5, 2008

School 2.0 Connecting us to the Future

School 2.0 is a fabulous resource tool to get schools to create and implement a plan to change for the future.
One important aspect of this vision for tomorrow's schools, is communication. Technology will rescue us from lost flyers that were sent home, misplaced parent notes, I did my homework but I forgot it at home, how is my child doing in school, when is the assembly, and the list goes on. Communication can open a forum for the community and eventually receive their support especially during voting time. Communication can bridge the gap between school and home. Which leads me to another important aspect, the accessiblity we'll have inorder to connect with parents. So much information will be available at their fingertips they'll become more involved in their child's education.
Collaboration between schools and students and collaboration of teachers within a school is a plus to this model. I think it is vital that there is "Student Input." Let them have a voice and a stake in their education. After all it is their future we are planning for. They'll have insights that will help steer us in the right direction. Their investment in education is key to their success in the future. I'm all for global teacher collaboration, but first, lets collaborate within our schools. Administration gives us the "time" to collaborate. To get on the same technology page so we can move ahead together as a whole or as a majority.
Instead of teaching with textbooks, packets, handouts, lectures, etc. we can teach with technology. Expand their world with virtual field trips. It's a lot less expensive. Let your class visit the grassland in Africa. Or, not only visit, but also tour the inside of a pyramid in Egypt. No more missed schoolwork because of sickness, family vactions, snow days, etc. Envison walking through a school, glancing into classrooms, seeing students individually, with a partner, in a small group or the whole class (projected onto the big screen) learning their subject matter with some technology device. Let's step into the future together.

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