Saturday, February 2, 2008

Wiki in the Classroom

Another great technology tool for students to use is the Wiki. It seems easier and less complicated than creating a website. It's accessible to teachers, students, parents, the community with no safety concerns. As the teacher, you choose who'll access your wiki. They will need a password to be able to edit the wiki. You'll be able to monitor all the changes that takes place and replace anything that was errased by accident. Students can create a wiki individually or as a group. A wiki can be used for several different purposes. Teacher's can post assignments and projects. As for homework, there'll be no more excuses. I'm not sure if students will be happy about this. Parents can be kept well informed of assignments, learning, events, etc. Students can publish their work. They can interact with other students on a specific topic. Wiki provides different kinds of resources for the classroom, lesson plans, videos, photos, references and more. Wiki is a technology tool for collaborative work and social learning. We all know how students love to interact. Now go to and check it out. Let me know what you think.

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