Saturday, February 2, 2008

Teaching with Technology

It is great that we have all these technology tools to expand learning. I believe students should be taught how to use each one. As an ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher, I have small groups of students from different grade levels. I'm thinking that I would like to use a different technology tool with each group. This would help develop my technology skills. There is so much we could do with the technology tools that are available to us for free. We'll take it one step at a time and keep it simple. That's what I was told when I started scrapbooking. My sixth grade L2 students will be starting their Greece Unit in a few days. They could do a Greece project on the wiki. Students are experts at technology. I'll be learning from them as they expand their knowledge of Greece through the wiki. Any suggestions about developing a wiki with sixth graders will be welcomed.

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