Saturday, February 2, 2008

21st Century Learners

Listening to the podcast (148: Building 21st Century Achievers) with Kevin Honyecutt a few phrases jumped out at me. One was "stop teaching technology and start teaching with technology." Students are experts with technology and we need to start using it as a teaching tool. Another statement he made was that in the future students who can't use technology will be considered illiterate. Having students learning facts is one thing, but having them make connections of those facts will make learning more meaningful and relevant to them. And we can do this through technology.
Visiting his website I checked out the 21st Century Collaborative Projects link. These projects produce exciting learning and is connected to the curriculum and standards. Collaborative means that students will be able to connect around the world as a team to complete a project. They would communicate by chatting, blogging, wiki, ustream, skype video or text messaging. After exploring the Oregon Trail Journals project, I'm wondering if I could do something similiar with Colonial Days. Students could research the lifestyle of colonists. How did they survive and adapt in a new country? What types of jobs did they have? Find pictures, videos, articles and create a wikki to share this information.

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